IntroductionIn this series we take a look at key 2021 Census headlines in different areas. This time… East Devon. We found a District undergoing surprisingly rapid change. Flying Geese consultants Beckie Smith and John Holmes met working at Exeter Northcott Theatre in...
Census Portraits
What the 2021 Census means for arts marketers in… Greenwich
IntroductionIn this series, we take a look at key 2021 Census headlines in different areas. This time… the London Borough of Greenwich, home to the Royal Observatory, Meridian Line, Royal Naval College and many more world-famous heritage sites. But, like all London...
What the 2021 Census Means for Arts Marketers in… Bristol
IntroductionIn this series we take a look at key 2021 Census headlines in different areas. We start with our hometown, Bristol. Up-to-date data on local demographics is an important starting point for any arts marketing strategy. You might worry that your audience is...
What the 2021 census means for Arts Marketers in… Gloucester
IntroductionIn this series, we take a look at key 2021 Census headlines in different areas. This time… Gloucester, which was recently identified as one of Arts Council England’s Priority Places. Gloucester is our home away from home. We’ve worked with many clients...