This tool kit is for:
Amalgamating how you audience’s ticketing behaviour, segmentation, engagement, perception and life choices impacts the choices that you make as an arts marketer.
Most people know that defining your target audiences is one of the
first steps to planning a successful audience development and
marketing campaign. But where do you start?
Your Box Office system (if you have one) will give you ticketing
information, segmentation tools (if you use them) will give you arts
engagement facts, surveys and questionnaires (if you send them) will
give you a window into their thoughts, and public data (if you have
access to it) will give you wider information about their demographics.
But how do we go about putting all that information together, to give
us, as arts professionals a 360 degree insight into what our target
audiences need for us. And then when we have that information, how can we change what
we do, in order to actually give them what they need.
This “How to build a character profile” resource from Flying Geese
works you through our tried and tested method.
Step by step guide
1. Work your way through completing the information in the
tables in the toolkit.
2. Amalgamate the information in the “your answers” column
into a one-page fact sheet about each of your target groups.
3. Amalgamate the information in the “What does this mean for
me” columns into a one-page fact sheet to form a set of
guidance to help you through your campaign.